The Adventures of
Ndani Amani
(dah-nee) (ah-mah-nee)
Book Series
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A Message From The Author
“I was born to a spiritually grounded African American mother and a culturally-invested Liberian father. From these two highly educated parents, I developed a love for learning and writing at a young age. During my very early academic years, I attended a very large predominantly Caucasian Catholic school where I was one of three or four children of color. Life suddenly changed for me when I moved to the city and attended another elementary school. My family expanded with the inclusion of the Hispanic culture through the addition of my intellectual, professionally-driven step-father. As a result of these consistent exposures to different cultures and growing up in a faith-filled home environment that celebrated differences, my inclusive perspective of family, community, and the world developed. This perspective has molded my life’s journey toward becoming an advocate for peace.
Due to a keen sense of awareness and interest in other people’s feelings and perspectives, I have taken on an appreciation for everyone’s story and the charge of spreading peace through my words and actions. It is through the synthesis of my diverse cultural background and my faith that the character, Ndani Amani and The Adventures of Ndani Amani book series were born. So now, I would like to invite you and your children to join me on a journey full of self-discovery, cultural exploration, problem-solving and purpose-driven development through the many adventures with Ndani Amani and her family.”